I no longer can remember how long I've been doing this blog. It's been years. I started when the idea of a blog was new and I've watched it shift and evolve, even as my format has stayed almost exactly the same. I've written here every couple of weeks and it has served me well. I got the contents of my 2008 book by adapting blog posts; it's been a goad to shoot more, to write more.
I will miss it.
This feels like the end of this form of sharing, the moment to acknowledge that other than me, no one has been paying any attention to the blog. That's not necessarily a problem - unless I choose to define it that way. After all, I have used this for my own purpose, although I did harbor the hope that others would find it a source of connection, maybe even inspiration. But, from what the site statistics show, other than me, ain't nobody else tuning in here.
I've not been willing to evolve, it seems. So now I'll continue to post, but on my Facebook page, so if you happen upon me there, you will no doubt catch further visual and verbal musings.
See ya there!